Pinocchio Part III

15 Temmuz 2017 ile hasan

Pinokyo hikayesinin basit bir İngilizce’yle anlatımı. / Pinocchio in simple English


Pinokyo Hikaye Metni

Pinocchio was on the way to the Pleasure Island with other boys. He was talking to one of the boys, Lampwick.
L. (Lampwick): Have you ever been to Pleasure Island?
P.: No, never.
L: They say it is a wonderful place. No school. No cops. There is plenty to eat, plenty to drink. And it’s all free.
Then they arrived at the Pleasure Island. The children were filled with joy. They were given a lot of food and drink. It was all free.
L:Let’s hit somebody on the nose.
P: Why?
L: Just for fun.
And Pinocchio followed Lampwick.

Jiminy had lost Pinocchio. He was looking for him in the crowd.
Jiminy: I feel that there is something wrong with this. I gotta get Pinocchio out of here.

The children in the island were also given cigarettes for free.
Then they were shown a house.
It was a house for destruction. Children could destroy it.
It was also free.
Pinocchio seemed quite happy with all these.
P: Being bad is a lot of fun, isn’t it?

The coachman turned to his men.
Now shut the doors and lock the boys.”

Now it was midnight. Jiminy was still looking for Pinocchio.
There was no one around.
J: Where is everybody? The place is like a graveyard. Pinocchio, where are you?

Pinocchio was with Lampwick. They were playing billiards.

P.:Where do you suppose all the boys went to?
L: They are around here somewhere. What do you care? You are having a good time, ain’t you?
P: Sure. I am having a good time.
Then Jiminy walked in. He was shocked to see Pinocchio playing billiards and smoking. He was very angry.
J: Pinocchio! How do you expect to be a real boy? You are smoking and playing pool. You are coming right home with me this minute!
Lampwick caught Jiminy and held him up in the air.

Who is this beetle?”

P: He’s my conscience. He tells me what’s right and wrong.
L: What? You take orders from a grasshopper?
Jiminy was very angry with Lampwick.
J: You young hoodlum. Now I will beat you.
P: Oh, don’t hurt him, Jiminy. He is my best friend.
J: Best friend? And what am I? Just your conscience? Now I am going. This is the end.
And he left.

Where did all the donkeys come from?

Now Jiminy was walking on the street. Then he heard a sound. He looked for it. He found that there were a lot of donkeys. They were being loaded on ships.
Where did all the donkeys come from?

And he kicked the little donkey into the ship. Then another donkey came.
-What is your name?
-So, you can talk.
-Yes sir. And I wanna go home to my mama.
-He can still talk. Take him back.
-Please, please! I don’t wanna be a donkey.
-Quiet! You boys have had fun. Now pay for it.
Now Jiminy understood that Coachman turned the boys into donkeys and sold them to salt mines and circuses. Jiminy ran back to Pinocchio.

Escape from the island

Lampwick became a donkey.

Pinocchio had donkey’s ears and donkey’s tail.
He was very afraid.
Then Jiminy came in. He and Pinocchio ran away from the island. Then they went to Geppetto’s home. They knocked the door but no one opened it. Then Jiminy looked inside. There was no one in the house.
Look. They are gone.”

P: What does it say?
J: Geppetto went looking for you. Then he was swallowed by a whale named Monstro.
P: Is he dead?
J: No, he is alive. He is inside the whale at the bottom of the sea.
Then Pinocchio started running.
J: Where are you going?
P: I am going to find him.
J: Are you crazy? He is in a whale.
P: I’ve got to go to him.
Then Pinocchio jumped into the sea.
Jiminy followed him.
They were at the bottom of the sea. They asked some fish where Monstro was. But when the fish heard the name Monstro, they were scared and they disappeared. Pinocchio and Jiminy kept searching.

Inside the whale

Geppetto and his pets were inside the whale Monstro. They were hungry.
We are starving to death in the belly of a whale. There isn’t a fish left.
Then the whale woke up and hunted for fish. A lot of fish came into the whale. Geppetto was happy. He prepared to catch some fish. Then the whale also swallowed Pinocchio. Geppetto caught Pinocchio like a fish but he didn’t recognize it. Pinocchio called outFather, fatherand Geppetto understood that Pinocchio was there. He was very happy. Then he saw Pinocchio’s donkey ears and he was very surprised. Pinocchio didn’t understand why Geppetto was surprised.

P: What’s the matter?
G: Your ears?
Pinocchio laughed.

I got a tail too.”

P: That is nothing. I got a tail too.
But when he was laughing, his voice became a donkey’s voice.
G: Pinocchio, what happened to you?
Pinocchio couldn’t answer this question.
G: Never mind now. I have my little wooden boy and that is enough.
P: Father, we have to get out of here.
G: I tried every way Pinocchio, but it is useless. I even built a raft but it doesn’t work.
P: A raft? That’s it. We can use it to get out.
G: No, my son. When the whale opens its mouth, everything comes in. Nothing goes out. Now let’s make a fire and cook some of the fish.
P: A fire? A big fire. And lots of smoke. We’ll make him sneeze.

Pinocchio dead

Then they made a big fire and the whale sneezed. So, they got out. But Monstro saw them and he was very angry. So he chased them. They tried to escape. Monstro hit the raft with its huge tail and destroyed it. Pinocchio saved Geppetto. But he couldn’t save himself. Pinocchio was dead. Then they went home. Geppetto was crying. Pinocchio was lying on the bed. He was dead.

Now Pinocchio had proved himself brave, truthful and unselfish. He could become a real boy.
The Blue Fairy said, “Awake!” and Pinocchio woke up. He was alive and he was a real boy.
P: What are you crying for, father?
G: Because you are dead, Pinocchio.
P: No, I am alive and a real boy!
G: Yes, you are alive and a real boy!


Pinokyo 3. bölüm testi