Okuma – Polar Bears in Danger

14 Haziran 2020 ile hasan

Kutup ayılarının küresel ısınmayla birlikte yok olma tehlikesi içinde olduğunu anlatan basit İngilizce bir yazı / A small article explaining why polar bears face extinction in simple English


Global warming has a great effect on species all over the world. Polar bears and other Arctic species are especially at risk because their habitat is increasingly threatened by global warming. Numerous scientific researches have shown that polar bear numbers are on the decline, and that if action is not taken quickly, polar bears may disappear from the Earth without habitat, food, and shelter. The disappearance of these beautiful animals would be a great tragedy.

Polar bears spend much of their lives on pack ice (=a big and moving piece of ice) in search of food. Their food is other Arctic animals like seals. Polar bears have a high fat diet from ocean-going animals like seals: polar bears are rapid and aggressive swimmers. Because of this they are good hunters. Each summer, as the pack ice starts to shrink, polar bears get closer to land in order to give birth to and look after cubs. Many polar bears stop eating food during this period, not hunting until the ice returns and they live on stored (=depolanmış) fat.

Pack ice in general is decreasing globally. Pack ice melts more quickly, and is usually thinner as well. In 2004, several polar bears died by drowning. This had never happened before. The polar bears had been trapped on isolated areas of floating ice, and had tried to swim for land. Due to the shrinkage (=shrinking) of the ice, the polar bears became very tired and drowned before reaching shore and safety. This problem will only grow as the pack ice shrinks.

The shrinkage of the ice has other results for polar bears. They are losing their natural prey, who are also affected by the shrinkage in habitat. Polar bears are not very good at catching land animals such as deers, and also must fight with other species for their food sources. Land animals also do not provide the high fat diet that polar bears need. This will lead to starvation. Starving mothers will not be able to provide their cubs with the nutrition they need, and this will further contribute to the decline in polar bear numbers.

While searching for food and habitat, polar bears have also met humans. Interactions with polar bears used to be very rare, because the bears were at the sea ice. With the disappearance of the sea ice, polar bears have begun to show up around inhabited areas (areas with people and their houses), looking for food and shelter. They meet with hunters while looking for their prey and often end up being killed because they are a threat to human communities.

Global warming has many effects. Together these effects put polar bears at a very high rate of risk. Their birthrate has been decreasing, and biologists are growing anxious because polar bears are making mistakes, such as drowning in the sea, as a result of the loss of their natural habitat. Environmental organizations believe that a global effort is needed to fight against global warming before it is too late for polar bears, as well as many other species that call Earth home.

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