Ders 17 – Seviye 1 – Günde 1 saat İngilizce

24 Haziran 2020 ile hasan

Bu dersin içeriği:

Past Continuous Tense

I was sleeping = Uyuyordum
Cemil was listening to music = Cemil müzik dinliyordu
His parents were dancing = Anne babası dans ediyordu

Geçmiş zamandır. Ama “oldu, bitti” manasında değil “oluyordu, bitiyordu” manasında geçmiş zamandır. Geçmişte şu zamanda şu işi yapmaktaydım gibi şeyler söylemek için kullanılır.


Her zamanki gibi Özne + Fiil + Nesne ve bunların arasına giren yardımcı fiil ve ekler.

Özneden sonra was/were getirilir; fiile -ing eklenir.

Kamil was watching TV at 11:30 yesterday.
Ahmet and his friends were playing football.


Bu zamanda çok görebileceğiniz bir kelime. “iken” anlamına gelir.

I was watching TV while my father was sleeping = Babam uyurken ben TV seyrediyordum.
While the teacher was talking, the students were listening to him = Öğretmen konuşurken öğrenciler onu dinliyordu.

When/while testi

Olumsuz Cümleler

Her zamanki gibi yardımcı fiilin ardından “not” kelimesi getirilerek cümle olumsuz yapılır.

Sorry, I was not listening to you. = Pardon, seni dinlemiyordum
They were not dancing = Dans etmiyorlardı

Soru Cümleleri

Bütün zamanlarda olduğu gibi yardımcı fiil cümlenin başına getirilerek soru cümlesi yapılır.

Was Ahmet listening to you? = Ahmet seni dinliyor muydu?
Were they coming here? = Buraya mı geliyorlardı

Past Simple – Past Continuous Testleri

Haşim was ill

Bilmediğiniz kelimelere tıklayıp anlamını görebilirsiniz.

Yesterday Haşim didn’t go to school because he was ill. Normally he gets up at 6:30 in the morning. But yesterday he got up at 9:00. He had breakfast at 9:15 and then he watched TV from 10:00 to 12:00. He felt very tired and went to bed. He slept until 4 in the afternoon. ( When he woke up, he was very hungry. He went to the kitchen. He ate two hamburgers. Then he went back to the living room and watched TV. At 6 pm his father came home. He was very tired and hungry.

Father: Hello Haşim. How are you?

Haşim: I am feeling better, father. How are you?

Father: I am very hungry. Where is your mother?

Haşim: She is in the kitchen. Sister is in the bedroom. She is sleeping.

Then father went to the kitchen. The dinner wasn’t ready yet. Father was angry. But he didn’t say anything. He went to the living room and watched TV. At 6:30 dinner was ready.

Mother: Haşim, come here. Call your father and sister too. Dinner is ready.

Then they all went to the kitchen and had dinner. Father was happy now.