10. sınıf İngilizce 1. dönem 2. sınav B grubu soru ve cevapları

29 Aralık 2017 ile hasan

examA. Aşağıdaki boşlukları uygun kelimelerle doldurunuz. Evet, kelimeleri siz bulacaksınız.
1. Ahmet has no brothers or sisters. He is the ________________ child of his parents.
2. Ahmet goes home in the evening but Halit stays in the ________________ because his family is in Andırın village.
3. School starts at 7 am. So, I ________________ early every morning.
4. Nihat is playing tennis ________________ Gandalf.
5. Kahramanmaraş is ________________ Kayseri and Gaziantep.
B. Aşağıdaki soruları kendinize göre TAM CÜMLELERLE cevaplayınız.
6. Who teaches you geography?
7. What are you going to do at the weekend? (1 cümle)
8. What did you last night? (1 cümle)
9. What were you doing yesterday at 9 am? (1 cümle)
10. How many people are there in your classroom?

Akif, a ten-year-old boy, was angry with his mother. So, he left home on a dark winter’s night. He went to his grandfather’s house who was happy to see him. “What wind blows you here?”, asked the grandfather. Akif said, “Mama sent me here, grandpa. She is asking for some money”. Mr. Kamil, his grandfather, didn’t believe him. He understood that Akif wasn’t telling the truth. However, he didn’t want him to be ashamed or unhappy. So, he pretended not to understand. He asked, “How much?” Akif said, “Mama wants 50 liras. It is for school expenses.” Kamil gave him the money but it was false money. Then Akif left.
The next day Akif didn’t go to school. Mr. Doğan, his class teacher, called Akif’s father and asked why Akif hadn’t come. Akif’s father said, “I don’t know. I didn’t see him yesterday or today. I thought he was at his grandfather’s.” Then he called Kamil. “Father,” he said, “Is Akif with you?” Kamil said, “No he isn’t. He came here last night, took some money and left. I thought he was there.” Then Akif’s father panicked. He went home immediately. Akif wasn’t home. He asked his wife, “Where is Akif?” She said she didn’t know. Then they went to the nearest police station. They told the police what had happened.
Three days later the police found Akif on the way to Ankara. He was walking. They brought him back home to Kahramanmaraş. His mother could not speak. His father asked, “Why?” And Akif said, “I was angry with mama and I wanted to talk to the president about it. I thought he could help me.” Then his father asked, “Why didn’t you talk to me?” “Because,” said Akif, “Mama is not afraid of you. I thought she would be afraid of the presidentThe police asked, “Why were you walking?” Akif said, “I paid 50 liras for the trip but they didn’t take me because the money was false. So, I decided to walk to Ankara”
The police sent Akif to a sanatorium (hospital for mad people). Kamil was jailed for forgery. Akif’s mother went mad and she was also sent to the sanatorium. Akif’s teacher resigned (istifa). Akif’s father is very happy.
A. Altı çizili zamirlerin isim karşılıklarını yazınız
11. It, paragraf 1, satır 5:
12. Him, para 1, satır 6:
13. He, para 2, satır 3:
14. They, para 2, satır 5:
15. They, para 3, satır 1:
B. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre TAM CÜMLELERLE cevaplayınız
16. Why did Akif go to his grandfather?
17. Why did Doğan call Akif’s father?
18. Why didn’t Akif go to Ankara by bus?
C. Aşağıdaki cevaplara parçaya göre sorular yazınız (TAM CÜMLELERLE)
19. 50 TL
20. The president
Her soru 5 puan

                                                           CEVAP ANAHTARI
A. Aşağıdaki boşlukları uygun kelimelerle doldurunuz. Evet, kelimeleri siz bulacaksınız.
1. Ahmet has no brothers or sisters. He is the ONLY child of his parents.
2. Ahmet goes home in the evening but Halit stays in the DORMITORY because his family is in Andırın village.
3. School starts at 7 am. So, I GET UP early every morning.
4. Nihat is playing tennis WITH Gandalf.
5. Kahramanmaraş is BETWEEN Kayseri and Gaziantep.
B. Aşağıdaki soruları kendinize göre TAM CÜMLELERLE cevaplayınız.
6. Who teaches you geography? MR. … TEACHES GEOGRAPHY
7. What are you going to do at the weekend? (1 cümle) I AM GOING TO (FİİL)
8. What did you last night? (1 cümle) I (FİİL2)
9. What were you doing yesterday at 9 am? (1 cümle) I WAS FİİL+ING
10. How many people are there in your classroom? THERE AREPEOPLE IN THE CLASSROOM

A. Altı çizili zamirlerin isim karşılıklarını yazınız
11. It, paragraf 1, satır 5: THE MONEY
12. Him, para 1, satır 6: AKİF
13. He, para 2, satır 3: AKİF’S FATHER
14. They, para 2, satır 5: AKİF’S PARENTS (FATHER AND MOTHER)
15. They, para 3, satır 1: POLICE
B. Aşağıdaki soruları parçaya göre TAM CÜMLELERLE cevaplayınız
16. Why did Akif go to his grandfather? TO GET MONEY
17. Why did Doğan call Akif’s father? BECAUSE AKİF DİDNT GO TO SCHOOL
18. Why didn’t Akif go to Ankara by bus? BECAUSE HE DIDN’T HAVE MONEY
C. Aşağıdaki cevaplara parçaya göre sorular yazınız (TAM CÜMLELERLE)