French Revolution Part I
22 Ocak 2019İçindekiler:
- French Revolution Part I
- Causes of the Revolution
- Estates General
- Forming the National Assembly
- The National Assembly
- The Church
- Working on the Constitution
- Royal family tries to leave Paris
- Completing the Constitution
- French Revolution Part II
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The French Revolution was a revolution in France from 1789 to 1799. It led to the end of the monarchy, and to many wars. King Louis XVI was executed in 1793. The revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte took power in November 1799. He became Emperor in 1804.
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Before 1789, France was ruled by the nobles and the Catholic Church. The ideas of the Enlightenment were beginning to make the ordinary people want more power. They could see that the American Revolution had created a country in which the people had power, instead of a king.
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Causes of the French Revolution
Many problems in France led up to the Revolution:
1- Under the Kings Louis XV and Louis XVI, France had fought against Prussia and the British Empire in the Seven Years’ War. They also fought against Britain again in the American Revolution. They borrowed much money to pay for the wars, and the country became poor. The king and queen considered themselves representatives of God on earth and thus, did not pay attention to people’s sufferings.
2- The high price of bread and low wages given to workers caused the ordinary people to suffer from hunger and malnutrition. This made them dislike the rich nobles, who had the money to eat well and build huge houses.
3- The Roman Catholic Church, which owned the most land in France, put a tax on crops which hurt the poorest and hungriest people as they were not able to afford the tax.
4- Ideals of Enlightenment. Many people disliked absolute rule by the king and the nobility. They could see that in other countries, such as in the United States, which, in this time period, had just been formed, people like them had more power over the government. They also wanted freedom of religion.
5- The Clergy and the Nobility enjoyed all the privileges and rights but workers and peasants had to pay taxes.
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Estates General
There were three groups of people in France before the revolution. The first group was the Clergy. It made up 1 % of the population. The second group was the Nobility. They also made up 1 % of the population. The other nearly 98 % of the population was in the Third Group. Representatives of the people from all three groups together made up the Estates-General. It was a kind of parliament.
In May 1789, the Estates-General was called by the King in order to deal with the financial problems of the country. They met at the royal Palace of Versailles. However, the members of the Third Group were angry. They had made lists of their problems.
The members of the Third Group were angry that they were being taxed the most when they were the poorest group of people. They, and the Director-General of Finances, Jacques Necker, thought the Church and the Nobility ought to be taxed more.
They also wanted votes in the Estates-General to be more fair. Even though the Third Group had many more members than the other two Groups, each Group only had one vote in the Estates-General. The Third Group thought this could be improved by giving members of the Estates-General a vote each. However, when they talked to the other Groups, they could not reach an agreement.
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